Rheumatoid arthritis pain relief | 7 Simple hacks to reduce pain

best ayurvedic treatment for rheumatoid arthritis in kerala


Lifestyle plays an important role in correcting the metabolism resulting in the restoration of body’s immune system. Medicine alone cannot alone help chronic patients with rheumatoid arthritis pain relief but also need the patients to adapt to a lifestyle suitable to correct the metabolism for reducing pain from rheumatoid arthritis.
We have written down 7 simple changes for your lifestyle that can help you with rheumatoid arthritis pain relief, they are very simple and can be tried at home but the important thing is to follow it regularly without fail. If you follow the below suggestion, you can feel the change in your pain within 30 days. You do not have to stop your medication while you try this diet but if you would want to switch to natural treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, you can contact us at Click here

Seasonal vegetables

Ayurveda is about establishing balance between the body and the environment (universe) hence it stresses on eating seasonal fruits and vegetable. Requirement of the body is different in every season i.e. In summers we need to stay hydrated and seasonal fruits and vegetable are rich in water content like watermelon, musk melon, Bottle guard, Tomato, Berries etc. They are rich in vitamin and mineral required to nourish the body according to the climate whereas they tend to be easily digestible hence helping with rheumatoid arthritis pain relief.

Cow ghee

Ghee is a superfood mentioned in Ayurveda, it has anti-inflammatory property which helps to support the functioning of the digestive system, hence improving metabolism. Food cooked in Ghee helps lubricating the digestive tract hence avoiding the clogging of digestive tract with unwanted substances hence reducing Ama and providing rheumatoid arthritis pain relief.

Freshly cooked light meals

In Ayurveda, it is advised to eat the freshly cooked food and not eat the food after reheating or stale food. Reheating the food is even worse than stale food, why?
The amount of toxins will be more in reheated food as compared to the stale food whereas the freshly cooked food will have the highest nutrient content and will be easily digestible. Reducing the toxin from the food will help immune system to recover faster hence reducing pain from rheumatoid arthritis.

Warm water

Often times patient tends to drink cold water in order to feel better in summer or hot water in winters, to soothe their body according to the climate. According to Ayurveda, we should drink Lukewarm water in every season throughout the day to facilitate better digestion. Water is an important part of the digestion process and having a certain threshold of temperature will facilitate the reaction of breaking the food into fat, carbohydrates etc. hence supporting with rheumatoid arthritis pain relief


Meditation tends to relax the mind and it is proven useful in reducing stress and depression in rheumatoid arthritis patients hence reducing pain from rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a vata dosha and meditation helps in managing vata for the patients hence helping patients with the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.   


Ideally rheumatoid arthritis patients should not perform any heavy exercises, but light exercises or yoga will help reducing rheumatoid arthritis pain. Most of the chronic patient feel pain and sometimes develop wear and tear around their joint hence refraining themselves from exercises but few light exercises will help nourish their joints by strengthening their muscles and help aid the digestion process, hence restoring the metabolism.

Herbal spices

Adding spices such as Turmeric, Cinnamon, Ginger, Garlic and Black pepper in your diet can be a gradual process. The goal is to include these spices in your daily diet instead of making it spicy to soothe our taste buds. These spices are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and are used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in Ayurveda.

Ayurveda focuses the most on HOW

It is very important to correct the lifestyle and adapt to habits that are suitable according to the patient’s body. Ayurveda is the science of life and not only it suggests the use of various herbs but also suggest the best way to use them for the benefit of the body. There is a specific way where a particular herb can be used as a medicine and in a specific amount for a human, the amount is different for everyone whereas the process can be quite similar.
The best way to change the lifestyle for rheumatoid arthritis patient is to do it gradually, going step by step as mentioned above with only exception with the spices.
Spices mentioned should be included in the diet with care and their amount will vary for every patient. In order to find the right amount of the herbs and spices to be used for rheumatoid arthritis pain relief at home you can contact us at drnimisha@sreeragamayurveda.com and we will help you customise your lifestyle while you continue your medications.

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