Best Ayurvedic treatment for Parkinson's disease in Kochi, Kerala

parkinson's disease ayurvedic treatment in kerala


Ayurveda treatment for Parkinson’s disease focuses on regeneration of the brain cells by stimulating the production of dopamine through various medicine. This regeneration defines if the patient will be completely cured. We at sreeragam Ayurveda provides best Ayurveda treatment for Parkinson’s disease in cochin, we have treated 250 patients in past 7 years for Parkinson’s disease. In 85% cases treated we saw 50 % improvement within 2 months of treatment. Once the patient leaves our hospital premise, the improvement in their condition is dependent on how strictly a patient follows his lifestyle and oral medications suggested by our senior doctors.

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized primarily by loss of dopamine neurons in the brain, we can observe its symptoms but there is no specific test to confirm it. Symptoms generally develop slowly only on one side of the body but the progression may differ from one person to another due to the diversity of the disease. This nature of Parkinson’s disease makes it harder to be diagnosed in the early stages and in later stages only disease management is possible. At sreeragam, you can easily see 15-30 % improvement in the symptoms even in later stages within 45-90 days of treatment.

4 Risk factors hindering treatment of Parkinson’s disease

Risk factors for Parkinson’s treatment

  1. Age: Age is one of the important factors that determines the amount of improvement a patient will be able to see in their Ayurveda treatment for Parkinson’s disease. Ayurveda medicine and treatment work on improving the metabolism for the efficient recovery. With age the metabolism decreases and hence the rate of recovery is slower in old age as compared with young patients.
  2. Unusual sleep pattern: Sleep helps in relaxation hence increasing the recovery rate as major recovery of body is done in its relaxed state. If the sleep if not according to the requirement then the degeneration rate will increase leading to further worsening of the condition.
  3. Injuries or trauma: It is harder for a patient of Parkinson’s to maintain their balance hence increasing the chance of injuries and trauma. This tendency results in hindering the Ayurveda treatment for Parkinson’s disease, once the body is injured, the body will start repairing the current trauma/ injury and the improvement from the treatment might slow down.
  4. Genetics: It becomes harder to treat a patient, if they have a history of Parkinson’s disease in their family.


Kerala ayurvedic treatment for parkinson disease

Ayurveda treatment for Parkinson’s patient | Ayurvedic view on Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is similar to “Kampavata” in ayurveda, kampavata in different contexts of Ayurveda samhitas is characterised by symptoms of :

  1. Tremor (Kampa), all over the body or especially in head, hand or legs.
  2. Rigidity (Stambha) of the limbs and trunk.
  3. Bradykinesia & Akinesia(Chestasanga) , loss of coordination and slowness of movement in all activities.
  4. Disturbance in speech, chewing and swallowing (Vakvikriti)

Other than above mentioned major symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, there are other symptoms which help identify this disease such as depression, festinating gait, Aches in body etc.

NOTE* “Kampavata” which is very similar to Parkinson’s disease is described under a vata disorder called as “Vata Nanatmaja vikara” in Ayurveda. Obstructed vata (Avarana) manifests as increased function at one site and decreased function in other sites, this tendency is known in Ayurveda as “Ekdeshe Vriddhi” responsible for the symptoms of tremor, rigidity and uncoordinated functioning of the body.

Progression of Parkinson’s disease is divided in 5 stages according to modern parameters but Ayurveda defines progression of Parkinson’s disease in 3 stage as:

  1. Stage 1 - Individuals experience mild symptoms which does not interfere with daily life activities. This stage of Parkinson’s disease can be managed and cured just with internal medications  and lifestyle changes.
  2. Stage 2- In this stage of Parkinson’s disease, symptoms worsen including; tremor, rigidity and other movement problems. External therapies are needed along with internal medications to control the symptoms and promote faster recovery.
  3. Stage 3(Stage 3,4,5 according to modern terminology)- In this stage of Parkinson’s disease, symptoms become severe; stiffness in the legs making it impossible to stand or walk gradually. In this stage, no complete cure can be given and only symptomatic management can be provided to reduce the progression of disease and improve the quality of life.

The principles followed in Ayurveda for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease are Shodhana and Shamana. Multimodal approach of Ayurveda treatment for Parkinson’s disease at sreeragam Ayurveda comprises of the following:

  1. Panchakarma: Panchakarma for Parkinson’s disease helps with the process of detoxification, improving nerve function and provide nourishment externally to the body. Panchakarma therapies like Abhyanga ,Snehana, Swedana , Virechana, Anuvasana basti, Niruha basti  and Shirobasti are given as a part of Ayurveda treatment for Parkinson’s disease.
  2. Oral medications: Oral medications are given from the starting of the Ayurveda treatment for Parkinson’s disease throughout the duration of the treatment which helps in enhancing the functioning of the patients body, coordinating the movements, stimulating dopamine productions etc. In short, oral medicines are given to balance the vata and increase ojas. Herbal products such as Brahmi, ashwagandha, rasona etc are recommended along with herbal ayurvedic formulations such as Brahmi vati, Balarishta, Ksherbala taila, Dhanvantra taila etc. for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.

NOTE* Do not take any medications without the prescription of an Ayurveda doctor, the above-mentioned medicine, treatments are just for information and should only be administered under the guidance of a doctor.

  1. Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy at sreeragam Ayurveda center is provided as apart of multimodal treatment for Parkinson’s disease where the target is to increase the independence of the patient and promote general health. As the disease progresses in later stages, physiotherapy teaches Parkinson’s patients to overcome difficulty in walking and organise basic daily activities. We focus on posture, upper limb function, body balance and promoting physical activity through physiotherapy.
  2. Yoga: After evaluation of health, once the patient is capable enough to perform yoga, we start asanas for beginners broken into simple steps. Asanas like tadasana, urdhava hastasana, uttanasana, virabhadrasana and other breathing based yoga asanas are taught during the Ayurveda treatment for Parkinson’s disease at sreeragam Ayurveda center.

Difference between modern medicine and Ayurveda treatment for Parkinson’s disease

There is no cure for Parkinson’s disease in modern medicine but there are evidences or cases where the patient has been completely cured of Parkinson’s disease through Ayurveda. Modern medicine help you manage problems related to movement and tremor, these medications increase or substitute for dopamine externally through supplements. Initially you feel considerable relief in your symptoms but as the time passes by, the dosage has to be increased otherwise the symptomatic relief starts diminishing. Surgery for deep vein simulation is considered as a treatment option for advanced cases of Parkinson’s disease, who stop responding to oral medication and supplements.
Panchakarma therapies and some medicines are given to improve metabolism which helps in faster recovery and provide immediate relief. In Ayurveda vasti is given to improve overall nerve function in the body which helps in creating better motor and sensory response in the brain. Parkinson’s treatment in Ayurveda promotes herbal medications which can stimulate dopamine production in the body rather than providing external supplements. This process helps in slowing the degeneration and the patients body start recovering faster day by day, this can lead to a complete cure but the overall duration might be longer than expected. Ayurveda treatment for Parkinson’s disease will not only provide immediate symptomatic relief but will also create a chance for complete cure but it is very important to maintain a strict lifestyle.

Role of exercise and yoga in the Ayurveda treatment for Parkinson’s disease

Exercises in general helps to improve cardio-pulmonary functioning, biomechanics, posture, trunk movement and overall symmetric movement of the body. It has been found that aerobic and learning-based exercises are best suited for individuals suffering from Parkinson’s disease
Ayurveda always emphasises on mental health while treating any ailments hence promotes yoga for its significance in improving the mental health of a Parkinson’s patient. Yoga therapy in past has shown improvements in stress, mood, fatigue, sleep, pain, mobility, problem solving, memory, and seizure control of Parkinson’s patients in past. Yoga acts as an alternate treatment which caters solution according to the varying ability of this progressively increasing mobility problem of Parkinson’s patients making it the best aerobic exercise along with the Ayurveda treatment for Parkinson’s treatment.

Role of a healthy diet in the Ayurveda treatment for Parkinson’s disease

We need to first understand “what is a health diet “, to understand this we need to acknowledge the fact that our body is trying to recover, our body is trying to repair itself. In order for the body to repair itself, we need to make sure that the body is consuming less time in digesting food and more time utilizing the energy to repair itself.
Brain controls all the nerve functions and if the brain is only working to perform basic nerve function, it will never help with the recovery for patient. A good diet will also help with detoxification of body leading to improve the nerve function which in result will help brain to recover faster.
Hence, healthy diet should be the one that can be easily digested  and this is why during treatment we provide lite food ]which can be easily digested. We need to understand that diet alone cannot treat Parkinson’s disease, a healthy diet will support nerve function and help the repairing process to work efficiently.
If you are searching for the Ayurveda treatment from Parkinson’s disease, we would recommend you to send your medical reports to and a video of the patient to understand their condition better. Once our first analysis of the patient is complete, we will respond to you with our treatment plan and the treatment possibility in details.

We are sure we can help patients with multimodal approach of Ayurveda treatment for Parkinson’s disease at Sreeragam Ayurveda including yoga, physiotherapy and panchakarma.

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